The inspiration behind the song…
St Thérése Lisieux wrote, “I came to Carmel to save souls and most of all, to pray for priests.”
If you were to ask one of our Sisters, “How about you? Did you come to Carmel to pray for priests?”, with light and joy in our eyes, every last one of us would give you an unhesitating and resounding “yes.” We would tell you that this honor and sacred duty to pray for priests has drawn us to this Carmelite vocation, for it is a distinctive mark of Carmel, a part of our charism, or gift to the Church.
Priests are being constantly attacked and persecuted, tempted and discouraged… and they need our prayers! And we need them and their priestly vocations! Christ gives us His Eucharistic Body, His forgiveness of sins, His healing waters of Baptism—through priests who administer the Sacraments that give us grace.
They are the “ones who bring us Jesus,” handing over their lives, just like He did. And so, the Sisters express their loving commitment to our prayers and sacrifices for priests through this song dedicated to the memory of Timothy Cardinal Manning, the third Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles, and the beloved co-founder of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles.
March 26, 2014
Great Music and Superb singing! We pray for Vocations to Priesthood and Coseceated Lives in the Serra Club of Pasadena. You and your vocations are commendible in these days of misplaced priorities.
Tom Joyce Communications VP